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Dehumidifier Troubleshooting A Unique Guide to Fix Common Issues. Dehumidifier Troubleshooting A Unique Guide to Fix Common Issues

Dehumidifier Troubleshooting: A Unique Guide to Fix Common Issues.

A dehumidifier is a valuable appliance that helps maintain optimal humidity levels in indoor spaces. However, like any other electronic device, it can encounter problems. This article is about industrial dehumidifier troubleshooting. We will find out the most common issues users face and try to find easy solutions.


A dehumidification system is vital in maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor climate. It achieves it by extracting moisture from the air. By removing excess water from the air, humidity dryers improve air quality and create a more pleasant living or working space.

These handy appliances help prevent mold growth, musty odors, and damage to furniture or building materials caused by excessive humidity.

Commercial dehumidifiers effectively reduce the humidity levels in enclosed spaces when operating smoothly.

However, like any mechanical device, they can encounter common issues that may hinder their performance. Troubleshooting these problems promptly ensures your dehumidifier's continued functionality and efficiency.

This article will delve into diagnosing and fixing dehumidifier users' common issues. Anyone dependent on a dehumidifier must know how to fix these common issues. It will empower them to tackle situations confidently.

We aim to equip you with the knowledge of solving common swimming pool dehumidifier problems. From simple fixes that you can implement yourself to more complex issues that may require professional assistance, we will cover a wide range of scenarios.

We are trying to explore each situation in detail and provide practical solutions.

Regular maintenance is the key to avoiding common problems. But, even after the proper servicing, you might get some operational problems. Follow this guide to resolve the issue.

Common Issues with Dehumidifiers.

While generally reliable, Dehumidifiers sometimes encounter common issues affecting their performance. Identifying and resolving these issues promptly is essential to ensure optimal functionality.

This section lists common problems and will find a practical solution for dehumidifier troubleshooting.

From issues like the dehumidification system not turning on or excessive moisture removal to water leakage and unusual odors, we will cover a range of common problems you may face.

Problem 1: Dehumidifier is Not Turning On.

It is a prevalent issue that every device owner comes across at least once. Diagnosing a dehumidifier and resolving this issue becomes essential to maintain optimal humidity inside your facility.

The unit not turning on is frustrating during high-humidity seasons. But we can fix this problem with some troubleshooting steps.

  1. Check Power Supply: Before assuming a problem with your dehumidifier, ensure it is correctly plugged into a functioning power outlet. Verify if the power cord is tightly connected to the outlet and the unit.

    Additionally, test whether the outlet receives power with another electronic device...

  2. Examine the Control Panel: Inspect the air dehumidifier's control panel for any error codes, indicators, or settings that could affect its operation. Some units have specific error codes that can help diagnose the issue.

    Refer to the user manual to understand the meaning of these codes and follow the recommended troubleshooting steps.

  3. Inspect the Power Cord: If the unit does not start with the help of the previous steps, then you need to examine the power cord damage. It may get frayed or cut during use, exposing its wires.

    If you notice such an issue, then better to connect to the service center. You can replace it yourself by following the instructions mentioned in the industrial dehumidifier manual. Damaged power cords can pose a fire hazard and should not be used.

  4. After following all the above remedies, if the problem persists, then there is the possibility that one of the internal components is faulty.

    In such a case, take the system to the service center for a checkup. They can diagnose the problem accurately and provide the necessary repairs or guidance.

    Remember, troubleshooting steps may change depending on your dehumidifier's specific model and brand.

    By addressing the issue of a dehumidifier not turning on promptly, you can ensure that your indoor environment maintains the desired humidity levels and remains comfortable and free from excessive moisture.

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Problem 2: Dehumidifier not removing moisture.

Even though the dehumidifier works, you often do not notice any reduction in humidity. You fill that the dehumidification system is not extracting moisture from the air. Then there can be several reasons for it. Some of the potential causes and their troubleshooting we will discuss steps.

Problem 3: My dehumidifier makes the climate too dry.

We all buy dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture from the air and keep our homes comfortable. Excessive moisture removal can lead to overly dry conditions, discomfort, or potential damage to certain materials.

Sometimes, it can make the air too dry due to overperformance. If you notice a similar issue, here are some dehumidifier fixing steps to address it.

  1. Adjust the Humidistat: The humidistat on your dehumidifier allows you to set your desired humidity level. If the user selects a very low humidity level, the unit will work continuously and make the climate too dry. So adjust the humidistat to a higher value so the dehumidifier will cut off early. ..

  2. Use a Hygrometer for Accuracy: Hygrometers are designed to measure room humidity. The most dehumidifier has it inbuilt to show current room humidity on its display. It is recommended to cross-check the dehumidifier's humidistat with an external humidistat. In case of any discrepancy, you can adjust the humidistat or replace the humidistat of the dehumidifier machine.

  3. Consider External Factors: Excessive moisture removal can also be influenced by external factors. Factors such as high outdoor humidity, frequent door openings, or additional moisture sources in the room can contribute to the dehumidifier's overperformance.

    Assess these external factors and make adjustments accordingly. For example, reducing the frequency of door openings or addressing other sources of moisture can help balance the humidity levels in the room.

  4. If you've attempted these dehumidifier debug steps and the excessive moisture removal issue persists, consulting the manufacturer's customer support or a qualified technician may be beneficial. They can provide further guidance or evaluate the dehumidifier for any underlying issues.

    It's essential to balance removing excess moisture and maintaining a comfortable humidity level in your space.

    By addressing the issue of excessive moisture removal, you can ensure a healthy and pleasant environment while protecting your property and belongings from the potential effects of overly dry conditions.

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Problem 4: Water Leakage.

If you notice water pooling around or underneath your dehumidifier, it is crucial to address the problem promptly to prevent any potential water damage. The most common reasons behind water leakage are faulty drainage, clogged hose, and damaged bucket. Let's try to do dehumidifier fixing for such leakage issues.

  1. Check the Drainage System: Leak can happen due to a damaged drain system, including connection and fittings. Make sure that hose pipe connections are tight. Ensure that no blockages or obstructions could impede the proper flow of water.

    Clean out any debris that may be present in the drainage system. ..

  2. Clean or Replace the Drainage Hose: If you use a hosepipe to drain water into the drainage continuously, ensure that this pipe is not damaged or clogged.

    Ensure the hosepipe is securely connected to the portable air dehumidifier and the drain or sink. Any leak also can cause a reverse flow of the water. Remove the hose and check for any blockages or kinks. Clean the hose thoroughly or replace it if necessary.

  3. Inspect the Water Collection Bucket: If your dehumidifier uses a water collection bucket, check the bucket for any cracks, leaks, or improper placement. Ensure that the bucket is seated correctly and securely attached to the dehumidifier.

    Empty the bucket regularly to prevent overflow, as an overfilled bucket can lead to water leakage.

  4. To avoid leakages, here are some preventive measures which can minimize the chances of water leaks.

    • Place the dehumidifier for the room on a level surface. An uneven surface can cause the unit to tilt, potentially contaminating water.

    • Regularly clean the dehumidifier to remove dust and dirt on its internal parts. It can obstruct the drainage system and cause water leakage. Periodically clean the dehumidifier according to the manufacturer's instructions to maintain its proper functioning.

    Remember to take expert advice or arrange a dehumidifier restore if necessary.

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Problem 5: Unusual Odors.

If your dehumidifier emits unusual odors, it can cause concern. Foul or musty odors can indicate various issues within the dehumidifier. It is essential to address these odors promptly to maintain a pleasant and healthy indoor environment. Please follow the steps given below to resolve the issues.

  1. Clean the Air Filter: The most probable smell source from the dehumidifier is clogged and dirty air filters. The air filter traps dust, debris, and other particles from the air. Over time, these trapped particles can lead to an odor-causing bacteria or mold buildup. A healthy and clean filter with regular maintenance can ensure proper airflow and eliminate odors. ..

  2. Check for Mold or Mildew Growth: Inspect the internal components of the dehumidifier, such as the coils and water collection area, for any signs of mold or mildew growth. These fungi can thrive in the warm and damp environment created by the dehumidifier. In such a situation, clean it with the help of a mild soap solution. Ensure that all components are thoroughly dried before reassembling the dehumidifier.

  3. Use Dehumidifier Additives: We can neutralize odor and prevent mold growth by using additives. These additives often contain ingredients such as activated charcoal or fragrance beads that absorb moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors.

    Please read the dehumidifier manufacturers' guidelines before using these additives. Follow the product manual instructions for proper usage and dosage.

  4. Keep the dehumidifier clean: Regularly clean the internal components, including coils, water collection area, and drainage system, to prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, or mold.

  5. Ensure proper ventilation: Proper airflow around the industrial dehumidifier is essential to prevent the accumulation of stagnant air that can contribute to odors.

  6. By addressing unusual odors promptly, you can ensure a fresh and odor-free indoor environment, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable living or working space.

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Problem 6: Ice Formation.

Ice formation on a dehumidifier is a common issue that can hinder its performance and potentially damage the unit. If you notice ice buildup on your dehumidifier, it is vital to address the problem promptly to prevent further complications. Some of the troubleshooting methods are as follows.

  1. Ensure Adequate Room Temperature: Dehumidifiers have minimum operating temperature requirements, typically 8 to 38 degrees Celsius. Ensure the room temperature is within the recommended range for your dehumidifier to prevent ice buildup.

    Ice can form on the coils if the room temperature falls below the specified range. ..

  2. Clean the Coils: Dust, dirt, or debris on the coils can impede the heat exchange process and lead to ice formation.

    Regular cleaning of the components might avoid ice formation. While cleaning it, don't bend or damage the delicate fins on the coils. Routine maintenance and cleaning of the coils can help prevent ice formation.

  3. Check the Refrigerant Levels: Low refrigerant levels can make the evaporator coils to become too cold, forming ice. If you suspect low refrigerant levels, it is recommended to contact a professional technician who specializes in refrigeration systems. They can assess and recharge the refrigerant if necessary, ensuring the proper functioning of the dehumidifier.

  4. Choose a dehumidifier with an automatic defrost feature to eliminate the icing issue. This feature helps melt the ice buildup on the coils to prevent excessive icing. If your dehumidifier has this feature, let it complete the defrosting cycle before dehumidifier troubleshooting.

    Preventing ice formation:

    • Ensure proper ventilation: Good airflow around the dehumidifier is essential for optimal performance. Maintain a clear area around the unit to allow for adequate ventilation. Avoid placing the dehumidifier in a confined space or near obstructions restricting airflow.

    • Monitor humidity levels: Using a hygrometer, monitor the relative humidity levels in the room. Adjust the dehumidifier humidity settings if the humidity is consistently low.

    Suppose you have followed the dehumidifier fixing steps and the issue of ice formation persists. In that case, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer's customer support or a qualified technician for further assistance. They can provide expert advice or evaluate the dehumidifier for any underlying issues.

    By promptly addressing the issue of ice formation and practicing regular maintenance, you can ensure the efficient operation of your industrial dehumidifier and prevent potential damage to the unit.

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Problem 7: Excessive Noise.

While some level of noise is normal during the operation of a dehumidifier, loud or unusual noises can indicate underlying issues. Excessive noise from a dehumidifier can be bothersome and disrupt the peace and tranquility of your living or working space. Let us solve this problem.

  1. Verify Level Surface Placement: Ensure your dehumidifier is placed on a level surface. An uneven or unstable surface can cause vibrations and increase noise levels. Adjust the position of the dehumidifier or use leveling feet, if available, to stabilize the unit. ..

  2. Inspect the Fan and Motor: Excessive noise can result from malfunctioning fans or motors. Carefully inspect these components for any signs of damage, misalignment, or debris causing the noise.

    Check for if any fittings of these components are loose. Clean the fan blades and motor area using a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or obstructions.

  3. Seek Professional Assistance: If the noise continues and none of the above troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer's customer support or a qualified technician.

    They have the expertise to diagnose and address complex issues that may require specialized knowledge or replacement of internal components.

  4. To prevent or minimize the noise, you can ensure the following:

    • Carry out the preventive maintenance of the dehumidifier after every few months. Make sure that the unit is placed in a well-ventilated area.

    • For installation of industrial dehumidifiers, use vibration pads and duct insulation.

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Problem 8: Unit Not Shutting Off.

If your dehumidifier is not shutting off as expected, it can be concerning and potentially lead to energy waste or excessive air drying. There can be several reasons for the continuous working of the unit without cutting off. Let's carry out dehumidifier troubleshooting.

  1. Adjust the Humidistat Settings: The humidistat in a dehumidifier is responsible for measuring the humidity level in the air. If the desired humidity level is already reached and the dehumidifier continues to run, it may indicate that the humidistat is not calibrated correctly.

    Adjust the humidistat settings to a higher humidity level and see if the dehumidifier shuts off accordingly. Refer to the user manual for instructions on adjusting the settings specific to your dehumidifier model. ..

  2. Check for Obstructed Sensors: Dehumidifiers often have sensors that detect humidity or water levels. If these sensors are obstructed or dirty, they may not accurately measure the conditions and prevent the dehumidifier from shutting off.

    So, clean the sensor and remove any obstruction, if any.

  3. Reset the Dehumidifier: A simple reset can sometimes resolve issues with the dehumidifier's internal settings. By resetting the dehumidifier, you can restore it to its default settings and fix any software or programming glitches preventing it from shutting off. Read the dehumidifier manual to understand the resetting procedure.

  4. It is crucial to address this issue promptly to prevent unnecessary energy consumption and potential damage to the dehumidifier.

    Continuous operation beyond the necessary humidity level can lead to overly dry conditions in the room, which may cause discomfort or damage certain materials.

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Troubleshooting common issues with dehumidifiers is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and a comfortable indoor environment. We have discussed here eight common issues and suggested fixing methods.

By following the provided troubleshooting steps, you can address problems. Remember to consult the manufacturer's guidelines and seek professional assistance when needed.

Regular maintenance and prompt troubleshooting will ensure your industrial dehumidifier operates effectively and lasts longer, providing a healthier living space.

Learn Dehumidifier Maintenance

Frequently asked questions

Excessive noise from a dehumidifier can be concerning and disruptive to your living or working environment.

Understanding the reasons behind this heavy noise can help you address the issue effectively. Here are some possible causes why your dehumidifier is making heavy noise:

1. Misaligned or damaged fan blades can result in loud noise during operation.

2. A malfunctioning motor, such as worn-out bearings, can contribute to heavy noise.

3. There needs to be more vibration isolation or unstable placement of the dehumidifier to increase noise levels.

4. Obstructed airflow due to dust, debris, or objects near the vents can cause noisy operation.

5. Internal component issues, such as damaged coils or loose parts, can result in heavy noise.

6. Mechanical malfunctions within the dehumidifier can also be a possible cause of the noise.

7. Cleaning the fan blades, ensuring stable placement, and clearing any obstructions can help alleviate the noise.

Professional assistance may be necessary for motor repairs or diagnosing and repairing internal component issues. To know more about various dehumidifier FAQs, read our resources page.

When your dehumidifier releases smelly air, it can be unpleasant and concerning. Foul odors can indicate various issues within the dehumidifier that need to be addressed. Here are some possible causes why your dehumidifier is releasing smelly air:

  • Accumulation of dust, dirt, or debris on the air filter can lead to unpleasant odors being circulated.

  • Mold or mildew growth within the dehumidifier due to high humidity levels or inadequate cleaning can cause musty odors.

  • Stagnant water or moisture buildup in the water collection bucket can create a breeding ground for bacteria, resulting in foul odors.

  • Clogged or dirty drainage systems can cause water to stagnate and emit unpleasant smells.

  • Internal components, such as coils or condensation trays, may have developed mold or bacterial growth, leading to smelly air.

  • An activated carbon filter that has reached its capacity to absorb odors may contribute to releasing unpleasant smells.

  • Inadequate ventilation around the dehumidifier can lead to stagnant air and the accumulation of odors.

We can take the following troubleshooting steps to remove the smell from the air dehumidifier.

  • Clean or replace the air filter regularly to prevent dust and debris buildup.

  • Clean and disinfect the water collection bucket to eliminate bacteria and prevent foul odors.

  • Ensure proper drainage and clean the drainage system to avoid stagnant water.

  • Clean the coils and internal components of the dehumidifier to remove mold or bacterial growth.

  • Replace the activated carbon filter if it has exceeded its lifespan.

  • Improve ventilation around the dehumidifier to promote better air circulation and reduce odor accumulation.

Please carry out the following steps to reset a dehumidifier. Every dehumidifier manufacturer mentions the resetting procedures in their product manual. You can check the exact applicable method from the product manual. Here are some general steps to reset a dehumidifier.

1. First of all, disconnect the dehumidifier for the power socket.

2. Keep the dehumidifier unit disconnected for a few minutes.

3. Press and hold the power button to reset the unit for 10 seconds.

4. Connect the machine to the power socket and turn it on.

5. Now the system should show the default factory settings.

Adjust the desired settings, such as humidity levels or fan speed, according to your preferences. Monitor the dehumidifier's performance to ensure it functions correctly after the reset.

A dehumidifier running continuously without shutting off can indicate an underlying issue. Understanding the reasons behind this constant operation can help you address the problem effectively. Here are some possible reasons why your dehumidifier is running continuously.

High-humid space: If your room is very humid, then a dehumidifier might work without cut-off to achieve set humidity.

Improper Sizing: An undersized dehumidifier may struggle to maintain the moisture load, causing it to run continuously. Consider upgrading to a dehumidifier with a higher capacity if necessary.

Blocked Airflow or Obstructed Vents: Blocked airflow can hinder the dehumidifier's performance and cause it to run continuously. Ensure that the air intake and outlet vents are clear of obstructions.

Malfunctioning Humidistat: A faulty or inaccurate humidistat can lead to continuous operation. Troubleshoot or recalibrate the humidistat according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

Internal Component Issues: Faulty internal components, such as malfunctioning compressors or control boards, can cause the dehumidifier to run continuously. Contact the manufacturer's customer support or a qualified technician for further assistance.

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