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Greenhouse dehumidifier.

Prevail an optimal environment in your greenhouse for plant growth and sustain optimal humidity levels. Eradicate the risks associated with excess moisture accumulation, leading to bacterial growth and dampness, and deteriorating plant health. Browse our tailored range of small to commercial greenhouse dehumidifiers, available in a wide variety of multiple sizes and capacities. Our Greenhouse dehumidification systems remove excess moisture from a spectrum of greenhouse environments and ensure optimal growing and thriving conditions for plants.
Greenhouse dehumidifier

Features of greenhouse dehumidifier

auto cut
Auto cut
Hose pipe
Hose pipe
Delay timer
Delay timer
LCD controller
LCD control
Auto defrost
Auto defrost
Industrial dehumidifier for greenhouse

Best dehumidifier for greenhouse - A momentary view.

It helps plants achieve proper water balance, preventing issues like root rot and wilting. With the right humidity levels, plants can efficiently absorb nutrients and produce energy, leading to healthier and more vigorous growth. Walking into a greenhouse is among the most vibrant feelings, filled with lush green plants thriving in a controlled environment. The secret behind the flourishing greenery lies in maintaining optimal humidity levels, and that’s exactly where greenhouse dehumidifiers come into play.

Greenhouses provide a controlled environment for plants to grow, but excessive humidity can be detrimental to their health. High humidity levels promote the growth of mold, mildew, and pests, leading to plant diseases .. and reduced yields.

These humidity removal units work by absorbing the excess moisture from the surroundings and provide an optimal condition suitable for the growth of the plants.

Dehumidifiers in greenhouse utilize various mechanisms to extract moisture from the air. One common method is refrigeration-based dehumidification, where moist air passes over a cold coil, causing condensation. The condensed water is collected and drained out.

Another method is desiccant dehumidification, where moisture is absorbed by a desiccant material, such as silica gel or activated alumina. But, since temperatures inside greenhouses are generally more than 20 deg Celsius, it is recommended to use condensation dryers.

The use of commercial greenhouse dehumidifiers brings a multitude of benefits for both plants and growers.

First of all, moisture management units help reduce the risk of bacterial growth such as mold, mildew, and fungi, which can have adverse effects on plant growth and also degrade plant quality.

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, dehumidifiers create an inhospitable environment for these harmful organisms. Additionally, it reduces the risk of pest infestations, by reducing dampness which is the most favorable condition for pests to thrive.

Furthermore, controlling humidity through the greenhouse dehumidification system improves plant transpiration, nutrient uptake, and ph
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Greenhouse dehumidification - Merits in an outline.

Small greenhouse dehumidifier
  • High humidity content in the surroundings provides room for damp environments to sustain. Dampness catalyzes bacterial growth which can prove to be detrimental for optimal plant growth. Industrial dehumidifiers for greenhouses absorb excess moisture, reducing the risks associated with mold and mildew growth.

  • By always regulating the adequate moisture content in the greenhouse vicinity, these units ensure healthy plant growth.

  • These devices aid in reducing moisture levels, facilitating better air movement and circulation. This helps to distribute heat evenly, prevents the buildup of harmful gasses, and ensures that carbon dioxide is properly exchanged for oxygen, creating a healthier environment for plants....

  • By effectively moderating humidity conditions and ensuring proper moisture control, these devices reduce condensation on plants, surfaces, or greenhouse equipment. This mitigates the risk of moisture-induced damage to expensive equipment and machinery.

  • High humidity levels require additional energy to maintain optimum conditions within the greenhouse. The best greenhouse dehumidifiers help to reduce humidity, relieving the burden on climate control systems and saving energy.

  • Maintaining optimal humidity levels directly contributes to improved crop quality and increased yields. With the right balance of humidity, plants can efficiently uptake nutrients, develop robust root systems, and produce higher-quality fruits, vegetables, or flowers.

  • Greenhouse dehumidification systems play a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability within the agricultural industry. By effectively managing humidity, growers can reduce water consumption and minimize the need for chemical treatments.

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Commercial greenhouse dehumidifier - Features highlighted.

Different greenhouse environments pose different challenges, be it the high and recurring moisture content, pest infestation, bacterial growth, and more. To achieve optimum operational efficiency under such scenarios, these systems are equipped with resilient and advanced features that allow a smooth operation without jeopardizing performance.

Commercial greenhouse dehumidifier
High airflow.
Since Greenhouse dehumidifiers need to serve vast space, it should be designed with high airflow. Outfitted with a centrifugal fan that enables large volumes of humid air to be extracted and processed at once, allowing quick and effective dehumidification.
Auto cut-off.
Automatically triggers the compressor to start dehumidification when present humidity levels fluctuate than the limit which needs to be achieved. Auto shuts down the machine when set humidity levels are met to save energy.
Washable filter.
Supplied with an advanced air filter fitted at the air inlet that traps any dirt particles, allergens, or contaminants present in the air, and frees the dehumidified air from any impurities, improving overall air quality.
LCD controller.
Armed with a digital LCD wall mount controller that facilitates control and monitoring of the unit’s operations. The LCD panel displays information such as present humidity levels, required humidity, fan speed, and many more.
Auto defrost.
Geared with an auto-defrost mechanism that prevents frost buildup on the evaporator coils of the unit when working under extreme temperatures and avoids operational disruptions. It improves efficiency of the greenhouse dehumidification system.
Multiple fan speed.
The speed of the fan symbolizes the power at which the unit draws in air and passes it over the evaporator coils. Two-speed or three speed means users have end control to adjust the speed and have control over the noise it produces.
To accommodate the diversified humidity conditions of greenhouses situated in an array of terrains, these machines are constructed from sturdy materials which enhances the durability and lifespan of this unit, making this unit anti-corrosive and ideal for heavy-duty operations under extreme weather conditions.
Hose pipe.
Hose pipe attachment for continuous and effective drainage of condensate water to prevent overflow and avoid working disruptions. If greenhouse humidity dryers have an inbuilt pump then it will help to drain condensate quickly.
Programmable timer.
Allows for manual setting of on or off timer directing the machine when to begin operating and when to shut down. This helps in reduced power consumption and increased efficiency of this commercial industrial dehumidifier.
More Condensation Dehumidifcation Systems

Small Greenhouse dehumidifier - A snapshot of applications

Commercial greenhouse farming is a thriving industry that enables year-round cultivation of various crops. These controlled environments provide ideal conditions for plant growth, but excessive humidity can hinder productivity and lead to numerous challenges. Hence, installation of greenhouse dehumidifiers is an increasing trend.High humidity levels in commercial greenhouses can promote the growth of mold, mildew, and other harmful pathogens.

Additionally, excess humidity can impede the proper functioning of pollination processes, negatively affecting the yield and quality of the crops.

In a large-scale commercial greenhouse operation, the implementation of greenhouse dehumidification systems revolutionized farming practices.

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, the dehumidifiers effectively prevented the growth of mold and pathogens, safeguarding the crops from diseases.

The cultivation of medicinal and culinary herbs in greenhouses provides an ideal environment for year-round production. However, effective moisture control is essential for optimal growth of these plants.

Excessive humidity can lead to the development of fungal diseases and negatively impact the flavor and aroma of herbs.

In a greenhouse dedicated to growing medicinal and culinary herbs, the introduction of commercial greenhouse dehumidifiers can significantly improve overall production.

By reducing humidity levels to the optimal range, the dehumidifiers minimized the risk of diseases and improved the flavor and fragrance of the herbs. This results in higher-quality products that command premium prices in the market.

Apart from mitigating disease risks, these moisture management units also contribute to better air circulation within the greenhouse. This promotes the transpiration process in herbs, enhancing nutrient uptake and overall plant health.

By incorporating greenhouse dehumidification unit into herb cultivation, growers can achieve consistent, high-quality yields and meet the demanding standards of the medicinal and culinary herb market.

Seed storage facilities play a crucial role in preserving the viability and germination potential of seeds. Humidity control is of paramount importance to prevent moisture-related damage and ensure long-term seed viability.

Excess humidity in seed storage facilities can lead to seed deterioration, fungal growth, and loss of germination capacity. Moisture can also cause seeds to clump together or develop mold, rendering them unusable.

A seed storage facility can benefit substantially by the implementation of industrial greenhouse dehumidifiers to maintain optimal humidity levels for seed preservation.

By reducing excess moisture, these machines can prevent the growth of mold and preserve the integrity of the seeds. This results in a significantly higher germination rate and extends the shelf life of the stored seeds.

Industrial dehumidifiers for greenhouses provide a controlled environment that safeguards the quality and longevity of stored seeds.

By maintaining the recommended humidity levels, these devices protect seeds from moisture damage, preventing premature germination or decay.

This ensures that seeds remain viable and retain their genetic potential for extended periods, allowing seed storage facilities to supply high-quality seeds to farmers and gardeners.

Frequently asked questions.

Greenhouse dehumidifiers are one of the essential equipment for a successful in-house farming business. Many reasons justify investing in the greenhouse dehumidification system. Some of those reasons are as mentioned below.

  • Prevent Plant Diseases: Humid climate conditions are the paradise for the growth of mold, fungi, and other insects. A dehumidifier helps maintain an optimal humidity level, reducing the likelihood of these issues.

  • Optimal Plant Growth:Plants transpire water into the air. If the humidity level is too high, it can prevent plants from effectively releasing water, hindering their metabolic processes and growth. By controlling humidity, a dehumidifier supports optimal plant growth.

  • Control of Condensation:High humidity levels can lead to condensation on the greenhouse structure, which can drip onto the plants and create an environment conducive to disease. A dehumidifier reduces this risk by controlling humidity levels.

  • Energy Efficiency:Using a dehumidifier can be more energy-efficient than ventilating the greenhouse with outside air, particularly in humid climates. Instead of continuously heating new air brought into the greenhouse, a dehumidifier allows you to maintain the temperature of the existing air more efficiently.

  • Reduced Heat Loss:In cold weather, opening vents or fans to minimize humidity can result in substantial heat loss. When a humidity dryer makes the air dry, it minimizes heat loss to maintain optimal growing temperature.

  • Nighttime Humidity Control: During the night, when it's cooler, plants transpire less, and humidity levels can increase. This is also when it's less efficient to ventilate the greenhouse due to the potential for heat loss. A dehumidifier can control humidity levels during these periods without ventilation.

  • Improved CO2 Uptake:Plants make their food through photosynthesis, during which they absorb carbon dioxide. But high moisture in the air will restrict CO2 absorption and hence hampers the photosynthesis process and hence the growth of the plants. By reducing humidity, a commercial greenhouse dehumidifier can enhance a plant's CO2 uptake.

By helping maintain the optimal humidity level, a dehumidifier can enhance a greenhouse's overall health and productivity.

Though greenhouse dehumidification systems are specifically designed to tackle the humidity challenges and cater to an array of greenhouse establishments, choosing the best dehumidifiers for greenhouse are dependent on a wide variety of factors, such as the greenhouse size, terrain, climatic conditions, etc.

For small greenhouses, compact and energy-efficient dehumidifiers with adjustable humidity settings are generally suitable. Look for models that offer sufficient moisture removal capacity for the size of your greenhouse.

Commercial greenhouse dehumidifiers are recommended for larger-scale operations and commercial greenhouses as they have higher moisture removal capacities and can cover larger areas effectively.

You can consider factors such as moisture removal capacity, energy-efficient features, operational noise, etc.

A greenhouse dehumidification system utilizes a combination of components to regulate humidity levels.

This is achieved through various mechanisms, such as refrigeration or desiccant drying. The greenhouse dehumidifier is typically integrated with fans and vents that promote air circulation and exchange.

The system may also include a controller or humidistat that monitors the humidity levels and activates the greenhouse dehumidification machine as needed. By working together, these components help create an environment with balanced humidity levels, essential for healthy plant growth.

These units work on the same basic principle of absorbing moist air from the environment, passing the air over a series of condenser and evaporator coils where moisture gets condensed to water droplets (refrigerant-based systems).

In desiccant-based systems, the moisture gets attracted to a desiccant material that is coated around the compressor, such as silica gel.

The dry air left behind is then reheated and released back into the environment.

Surplus moisture content in the atmosphere can result in the creation of damp environments which acts as the most ideal condition for mold and other microorganisms to sustain and thrive.

By cutting out redundant humidity levels from the environment, dehumidifiers in greenhouse mitigate the probability of creation of damp environments which in turn prevents bacterial growth such as mold and mildew.

Mold and fungi cumulatively impose threats on the overall health and quality of plants that can hinder their growth and also spread several human health hazards.

By effective moisture management, these humidity removal devices facilitate the creation of an environment which is not ideal for bacteria and other microorganisms to sustain and thrive.

Yes, regular maintenance is important to ensure the efficient and long-lasting performance of your small greenhouse dehumidifier.

Some maintenance tasks include cleaning or replacing the air filters regularly to prevent dust and debris buildup, which can impede the dehumidifier's air flow and efficiency. If your dehumidifier has a water reservoir, it's essential to empty and clean it to prevent bacteria or mold growth.

Additionally, check for any signs of damage or wear and tear in the dehumidifier and its components, such as the fan or condenser coils.

If you notice any issues or reduced performance, it's advisable to consult the manufacturer's guidelines or seek professional servicing for optimal maintenance and performance.

Moisture matters - A dehumidifiers guide for healthy living

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About CtrlTech

Control Technologies FZE (CtrlTech) is based out of SAIF Zone Sharjah and serves in all countries across the Middle East. We offer Power, Cooling, Monitoring, and dehumidification solutions. We have a diversified range of dehumidifier models, capable of catering to the needs of various house and industrial requirements.

We are the oldest dehumidifier supplier in Dubai, UAE. Our product gamut includes dehumidification systems for home, industrial, commercial, and indoor swimming pool humidity control. As per our core value, we ensure the best product & service at affordable prices. We serve our clients in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and African countries.

Know more about CtrlTech

5000+ satisfied customers

We are the one stop green solution and service providers of power cooling, monitoring, and dehumidification for quality applications. With more than a decade of experience, get a glimpse of our global clients that we have catered our services to.

See what our customers have to say


We bought eight CD-60L units from CtrlTech dehumidifier Dubai for our villa in Jumeirah Golf Estate. These portable dryers are excellent. It has an exquisite look and outstanding performance. The best part is we can set humidity, fan speed, and timer. In addition, we got immediate free delivery and assistance for installation and demo. CD-60L is the best portable dehumidifier in UAE at a very reasonable price.




Happy with ceiling mount duct dehumidifier supplied by CtrlTech for our warehouse in Logistic city Dubai. Delivery and installation was very smooth. We strongly recommend this dehumidifier supplier.




I am living in Mudon Dubai. Called CtrlTech to solve the high humidity issue in my indoor swimming pool. They visited my swimming pool, did dehumidifier calculation, and installed a swimming pool dehumidifier at my villa. Since then, there is no condensation of glass and no bad smell. I strongly recommend this supplier.



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