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Duct dehumidifier.

Introducing the duct dehumidifier, an innovative and efficient solution for maintaining optimal indoor air quality during humid summers. A ducted dehumidification system extracts excess moisture, reducing energy consumption and promoting a comfortable, healthy living environment. This versatile device seamlessly integrates with your existing HVAC ductwork.
Duct dehumidifier

Features of duct dehumidifier

Silent operation
Remote install
Remote install
LCD control
LCD control

Applications of duct dehumidifier

Indoor pool
Indoor pool
Art galleries
Art galleries
Small duct dehumidifier

Duct dehumidifier introduction.

A duct dehumidifier is essential for homes, swimming pools, warehouses, and Jacuzzi rooms. Removing excess moisture from the air within the HVAC system is intended to keep the space comfortable and healthy.

Portable dryers treat the air only in a single room in which they are installed. But ducted dehumidifiers are installed directly into your existing ductwork. Hence, ductile machines provide efficient and consistent humidity control throughout the space.

This integrated approach offers superior performance and convenience compared to mobile and wall-mount units for the whole house.

Ductable dehumidifiers comprise several components, including the dehumidification coils that extract moisture from the air.

The duct connections integrate the dehumidifier into your HVAC system. Dehumidifier for ductwork is provided with a wall LCD control panel that enables you to set desired humidity levels and monitor the system's performance.

Based on the working principle, there are two primary types of duct-mounted dehumidifiers: desiccant and refrigerant. Desiccant humidity ... removers use a moisture-absorbing material such as silica gel to extract water from the air, making them suitable for colder climates with lower temperatures.

On the other hand, refrigerant machines are ideal for warmer climates. It works by cooling the air to condense the moisture, which is then collected and drained away.

In a nutshell, a ducted dehumidifier is a highly efficient solution for maintaining optimal humidity levels, and it has significant advantages over portable moisture absorbers.
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Ducted dehumidifier's benefits.

Duct mounted dehumidifier
  • Unlike portable and wall-mount models, duct dehumidifiers are concealed within HVAC ductwork, saving valuable floor space and maintaining a clutter-free living environment.

  • Duct dehumidifiers are typically quieter since the main components are away from living spaces.

  • Integrating with your HVAC ductwork, a ducted dehumidifier can help improve air circulation & quality within the whole space.

  • Duct-mounted dehumidifiers are hidden above the false ceiling. It offers aesthetics as they don't interfere with your interior design.

  • It can be set to maintain a specific humidity level and will operate automatically...

  • Ducted dehumidification systems are often more durable and longer-lasting to provide a long-term investment.

  • It has low maintenance with energy efficiency.

  • Read more benefits

Best duct dehumidifier features.

Selecting the right air duct dehumidifier for swimming pools and homes is crucial to ensure optimal humidity control and a comfortable living environment.

With numerous options available on the market, it's essential to understand the key features that an ideal ducted dehumidifier should possess. These vital features affect its performance, efficiency, and ease of use.

It ultimately contributes to a healthier and more pleasant living ... space. Let's explore the essential specifications to look for when choosing the perfect commercial duct dehumidifier to suit your specific needs and preferences.     Read more

Ductable dehumidifier
Low noise levels.
Opt for a unit with minimal operational noise, especially if you plan to install it near living or sleeping areas. Install the system above the false ceiling or outdoors.
Compatibility with HVAC systems.
The inline duct dehumidifier should be designed to integrate seamlessly with various HVAC ductwork systems, ensuring proper installation and performance.
Adjustable humidity control.
The system should allow you to set and maintain your desired humidity levels automatically with the help of a wall mount touch screen LCD controller.
Air filtration.
A small ducted dehumidifier should have built-in air filtration with the option of HEPA filters. Especially when users buy it to dehumidify fresh air intake, it should have high-quality filters.
User-friendly control panel.
The unit should have an intuitive control panel that is easy to operate. It should allow you to monitor humidity levels, adjust settings, and view system performance.
Safety features.
The deductible dehumidification system should have built-in safety features. Features include auto-shutoff and overflow protection to prevent damage and ensure safe operation.
Warranty and support.
Choose a humidity dryer from a reputable manufacturer with a solid warranty and reliable customer support to address potential issues or concerns.
Capacity with energy efficiency.
The commercial duct dehumidifier should have a sufficient moisture removal capacity. It should have a high energy efficiency rating to reduce your utility costs.

Frequently asked questions.

Choosing the best ducted dehumidifier for your needs involves considering several factors to ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and convenience. Consider the following point while selecting a unit to make an informed decision.

  • Assess your needs: Determine the size of your home or indoor pool room, local climate, and typical humidity levels.

  • Dehumidification capacity: Choose a duct dehumidifier with a sufficient moisture removal capacity. Take the help of an expert by calculation.

  • Energy efficiency: Look for a high energy efficiency rating unit to minimize energy consumption and reduce utility costs.

  • Compatibility: Ensure your chosen system is readily incorporated into existing AC ductwork.

  • Sound level: Select a ducted air conditioner dehumidifier with minimal operational noise.

  • Easy-to-use controls: The unit should have a wired LCD and touchscreen control panel with self-explanatory buttons.

  • Drainage system: Select a machine that has an efficient built-in drainage system. It should have the option of connecting an external condensate pump.

  • Easy maintenance: The dehumidifier should require minimal maintenance and have accessible filters and components for hassle-free cleaning and upkeep.

  • Air filtration: Consider a ducted whole house dehumidifier that can help improve indoor air quality by removing allergens, dust, and other airborne contaminants.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose the duct mount dehumidification unit that meets your specific needs.

Features Portable Dehumidifier Duct Dehumidifier
Installation Requires wall-mounting and some connections. Requires professional installation as part of HVAC system.
Mobility Easily moved between rooms or spaces. Fixed in one location.
Coverage Typically, suitable for single rooms or small spaces. Ideal for whole-house or large commercial spaces.
Energy Efficiency Varies, but generally less efficient. Usually more energy-efficient.
Noise Level Can be noisy due to proximity to living spaces. Quieter as it's installed away from living areas.
Integration with HVAC Operates independently of the HVAC system. Integrates with the HVAC system for seamless operation.
Drainage System Often manual tank or requires a separate hose. Typically includes a built-in, automatic drainage system.
Maintenance Easier access for filter cleaning and maintenance. May require professional maintenance due to location.
Air Filtration (optional) Varies, but generally less efficient. Usually more energy-efficient.

The installation procedure might differ depending on the duct dehumidifier model and the existing AC setup. We highly recommend taking the help of Manufactures or an authorized dealer for the installation. However, please find below the generalized procedure for the installation.

The installation procedure might differ depending on the duct dehumidifier model and the existing AC setup. We highly recommend taking the help of Manufactures or an authorized dealer for the installation. Here's a general overview of the installation process.

Evaluate your needs: Before installation, assess the size of your indoor swimming pool or home. Also, check typical humidity levels to determine the appropriate type and capacity of the dehumidification system.

Choose the suitable Machine: Select a duct mount dehumidifier that meets your requirements in capacity, energy efficiency, noise level, and compatibility with your HVAC system.

Identify the installation location: Find a suitable place within your HVAC system for the dryer. Ensure enough space for the unit, duct connections, and drainage system.

Prepare the site: Ensure the installation area is clean and free of obstructions, and gather all necessary tools and materials for the installation process.

Installation process: Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions to install the ductable dehumidifier. Properly connect it to the supply and return ducts of your HVAC system. Also, make sure all connections are properly sealed to prevent air leakage.

Set up the drainage system: Connect the drainage system to a suitable discharge point, such as a floor drain, sump pump, or exterior outlet. Make sure the drainage system is configured correctly to prevent backflow or leaks.

Connect the electrical supply: Wire the dehumidifier to the electrical system following the manufacturer's guidelines and local electrical codes. Ensure the unit is properly grounded and protected by a circuit breaker or fuse.

Install the control panel: Mount it in a convenient location near where it can sense humidity and is easy to access. Connect it to the inline HVAC dehumidifier according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Test the system: Turn on the power to the dehumidifier in ductwork and test its operation. Ensure it effectively removes moisture by checking water coming out from the drainage. Please check for leaks or issues in the duct connections and drainage system.

Schedule regular maintenance: To keep your ducted dehumidifier running efficiently, perform regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning filters and checking the drainage system.

Features Wall mount Dehumidifier Inline Duct Dehumidifier
Installation Requires no installation, plug-and-play. Requires professional installation as part of HVAC system.
Mobility Fixed in one location, mounted on a wall. Fixed in one location above the false ceiling.
Coverage Suitable for limited spaces where it is installed. Ideal for large commercial spaces with multiple rooms.
Energy Efficiency Varies may be less efficient than ducted models. Usually more energy-efficient.
Noise Level Can be relatively quiet, depending on the model. Quieter as it's installed away from living areas.
Integration with HVAC Operates independently of the HVAC system. Integrates with the HVAC system for seamless operation.
Drainage System Requires a separate hose or drainage system. Typically includes a built-in, automatic drainage system.
Maintenance Easily accessible for filter cleaning and maintenance as it mounted on the wall. May require professional maintenance due to location.
Air Filtration (optional) Some models include basic air filtration. Can include advanced air filtration as part of the system.

The cost to install a duct dehumidifier can vary significantly based on several factors, such as capacity and features, installation complexity, and regional labor costs. On average, the price of the small ducted dehumidifier itself can range from AED 7500 to AED 8500 or more.

Installation costs can range from AED 1500 to AED 2,500, with the higher end accounting for more complex installations. For example, users might pay more if the site requires additional ductwork modifications or electrical upgrades. The labor cost might be even higher depending on the region and the technician's expertise.

In total, ducted dehumidifier installation expects to cost you anywhere between AED 9000 to AED 11000. Hence, it is essential to invite multiple quotations for supply and fixing separately. Better to study work and material supply scope in detail.

Maintaining your duct-mount dehumidifier is crucial to ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and longevity. Here are some general maintenance tasks to perform regularly.

  1. Clean or replace the filter: Check the air filter regularly, typically every 1-3 months, and clean or replace it as necessary. Clean filters improve airflow and help maintain good indoor air quality.

  2. Inspect the coils: Inspect the machine's evaporator and condenser coils for dirt or dust build-up. Dirty coils can reduce efficiency and performance. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines for specific cleaning recommendations.

  3. Check the drainage system: Ensure the ducted dehumidifier's drainage system is functioning correctly and free from blockages or leaks. Regularly inspect the drain hose, condensate pump (if applicable), and drain pan for any issues.

  4. Examine duct connections: Check the duct connections to the dehumidification unit for any signs of air leakage or damage. Properly sealed connections help maintain efficiency and performance.

  5. Clean the fan and fan motor: Clean the fan and its motor regularly to remove any accumulated dust. It will ensure smooth operation and adequate airflow.

  6. Inspect for frost or ice build-up: In colder climates, check the air duct dehumidifier's coils for frost or ice build-up, which can reduce efficiency. If your unit has an automatic defrost feature, ensure it functions correctly.

  7. Schedule professional maintenance: Besides routine maintenance tasks, consider scheduling an annual inspection and service by a professional technician. They can perform a thorough examination of the unit. Address any potential issues, and help ensure optimal performance.

    Always refer to manufacturer guidelines for specific maintenance recommendations and instructions. Proper maintenance helps prolong the life of your duct-mounted dehumidifier and maintains a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

Yes, ducted dehumidifiers can work in cold climates, but their efficiency and performance may be affected by lower temperatures. There are unique dehumidification systems specifically designed to operate efficiently in colder environments. Such a system has the following features.

Low-temperature operation: Certain dryers are designed to operate effectively at lower temperatures. It can work even as low as down to around 40°F (4°C) or lower. Be sure to select a model rated for low-temperature operation if you live in a cold climate.

Automatic defrost: Dehumidifiers operating in cold climates may experience frost or ice build-up on the evaporator coils, reducing efficiency and potentially damaging the unit. Models with an automatic defrost feature can detect frost build-up and initiate a defrost cycle, protecting the dehumidifier and ensuring proper operation.

Insulation: Proper home insulation and ductwork insulation can help maintain warmer indoor temperatures, allowing the dehumidifier to operate more efficiently.

Energy efficiency: You should always select unit with high energy efficiency rating. It will help to lower operating costs, especially if the unit operates in colder conditions.

It's essential to consult the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines to ensure that the ducted dehumidifier you select is suitable for use in cold climates. Proper maintenance and regular inspections can also help optimize the performance of your dehumidifier in cold environments.

Determining the suitable capacity for a commercial ducted dehumidifier requires considering several factors to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Here are some critical steps to help you select the appropriate capacity.

Assess the space: Measure the square footage of the area you need to dehumidify. Larger spaces typically require higher-capacity dehumidifiers to control humidity levels effectively.

Consider the moisture load:Evaluate the typical moisture load in your commercial space, considering the number of occupants, the type of activities performed, and any processes that generate moisture (e.g., cooking, washing, manufacturing processes). Higher moisture loads may require a larger-capacity dehumidifier.

Account for the climate: If your commercial space is humid, you may need a larger-capacity dehumidifier to manage humidity levels effectively.

Building materials and insulation: Consider your commercial space's building materials and insulation levels. Poor insulation or moisture-prone materials may require a higher-capacity dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels.

Consult with professionals: Seek advice from professional HVAC technicians, engineers, or building consultants who can help you assess your commercial space's specific needs and recommend an appropriate dehumidifier capacity.

Review manufacturer guidelines: Dehumidifier manufacturers often provide sizing charts or recommendations based on various factors. Consult these guidelines to help you select the right capacity for your commercial space.

By carefully considering these factors and consulting with professionals, you can determine the ideal capacity for your commercial ducted dehumidifier, ensuring optimal performance, efficiency, and a comfortable indoor environment.

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About CtrlTech

Control Technologies FZE (CtrlTech) is based out of SAIF Zone Sharjah and serves in all countries across the Middle East. We offer Power, Cooling, Monitoring, and dehumidification solutions. We have a diversified range of dehumidifier models, capable of catering to the needs of various house and industrial requirements.

We are the oldest dehumidifier supplier in Dubai, UAE. Our product gamut includes dehumidification systems for home, industrial, commercial, and indoor swimming pool humidity control. As per our core value, we ensure the best product & service at affordable prices. We serve our clients in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and African countries.

Know more about CtrlTech

5000+ satisfied customers

We are the one stop green solution and service providers of power cooling, monitoring, and dehumidification for quality applications. With more than a decade of experience, get a glimpse of our global clients that we have catered our services to.

See what our customers have to say


We bought eight CD-60L units from CtrlTech dehumidifier Dubai for our villa in Jumeirah Golf Estate. These portable dryers are excellent. It has an exquisite look and outstanding performance. The best part is we can set humidity, fan speed, and timer. In addition, we got immediate free delivery and assistance for installation and demo. CD-60L is the best portable dehumidifier in UAE at a very reasonable price.




Happy with ceiling mount duct dehumidifier supplied by CtrlTech for our warehouse in Logistic city Dubai. Delivery and installation was very smooth. We strongly recommend this dehumidifier supplier.




I am living in Mudon Dubai. Called CtrlTech to solve the high humidity issue in my indoor swimming pool. They visited my swimming pool, did dehumidifier calculation, and installed a swimming pool dehumidifier at my villa. Since then, there is no condensation of glass and no bad smell. I strongly recommend this supplier.



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