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Swimming pool dehumidifier calculator

Swimming Pool Dehumidifier Calculator.

Dive into the world of swimming pool dehumidifier calculators, a game-changing tool that assists in finding the ideal dehumidifier size for your pool area, ensuring a harmonious balance of humidity levels and enjoyable swimming experiences.


Discover the importance of the swimming pool dehumidifier calculator in maintaining optimal indoor pool conditions. Learn how to use the calculation formula to determine the required dehumidifier capacity based on the pool area, saturation vapor pressure, room air dew point, and activity factor. Say goodbye to excessive moisture and hello to a comfortable and enjoyable swimming environment.

Welcome to our guide on how to use an indoor pool dehumidification calculator. This video will explore how this calculator is crucial in achieving ideal indoor pool conditions. Determining the required dehumidifier sizing can effectively control moisture levels, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable swimming environment. Let's dive in!

Maintaining ideal indoor pool conditions is vital for swimmers' comfort and health. Excessive moisture in indoor pool areas can lead to condensation, high humidity, and even mold growth. By utilizing the indoor pool dehumidifier sizing calculator, you can effectively control moisture levels, creating a pleasant swimming environment while protecting the integrity of the pool area.

To use the online calculator for indoor pool dehumidifier sizing, follow these steps:

Dehumidifier design calculation software for selecting the right dehumidifier

Wp = 15*A*(Pw - Pa)*Fa




Bar (From table 1)

Bar (From table 2)

(From Table 3)


Wp= Kg/hr*

Wp= liter/Day*

Disclaimer: The online calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, and the information obtained by using the online calculator is not, and should not be taken as, technical advice to any person or company. Results may vary depending on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information you provide while using the online calculator. The online calculator is not a substitute for consulting a qualified professional. We Control Technologies FZE accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities allegedly arising from the use of the online calculator by any person or company.

Table 1: Common Value for Pw
At 15⁰C Water, Pw 0.0170 bar
At 20⁰C Water, Pw 0.0234 bar
At 25⁰C Water, Pw 0.0317 bar
At 30⁰C Water, Pw 0.0425 bar
At 35⁰C Water, Pw 0.0563 bar
At 40⁰C Water, Pw 0.0738 bar
Table 2: Common Value for Pa
Temp 40% RH 50% RH 60% RH
⁰C bar bar bar
20 0.0094 0.0117 0.014
25 0.0127 0.0158 0.019
30 0.017 0.0212 0.0225
Table 3: Activity Factor Fa
Residential Pool 0.5000
Condominium 0.65
Therapy 0.65
Hotel 0.8
Public, School 1
Whirlpools, Spa 1
Wavepools, Slides 1.5 (Minimum)

How to do swimming pool dehumidifier calculation?

Step 1 - Enter indoor pool dimention for dehumidifier sizing.

Enter the length and width of the swimming pool water surface in meters. In the case of an irregular shape pool, find out the water area from the drawing and mention length & width to keep the total area constant. With an increase in the water surface, evaporation increases, hence the required pool dehumidifier capacity.

For our example, Length = 10 and Width = 5

Step 2- Finding value of Pw for indoor pool dehumidification calculation

Refer to Table 1 to find out Pw. For a given pool water temperature, note down the corresponding Pw. For hot pools, the Pw value will be higher, hence the dehumidifier capacity. Please note that for random water temperature, consider the next higher value in the table. In our case, the water temperature is 29 °C, so we will consider it 30 °C in the table.

Hence, from Table 1, Pw = 0.0425

Step 3 - Finding value of Pa for pool dehumidifier sizing

Refer to Table 2 to find out Pa. For a given room air temperature and desired humidity, note down the corresponding Pa. The Pa value will be higher for warm rooms, lowering the dehumidifier capacity. Please note that for random water temperature, consider the next lower value in the table. In our case, the room temperature is 22°C, so we will consider it 20°C in the table.

Hence, from Table 2, Pa = 0.0425 at 20°C & 50%RH

Step 4 - Select activity factor for indoor pool dehumidification calculator

Refer to Table 3 to find out the activity factor for the given pool. An activity factor (Fa) represents the impact of the pool usage and activity on the evaporation rate and hence dehumidifier sizing. For different pool types, activity and number of users varies. Thus, the activity factor of the public pool will be much higher than private pools inside the home.

For this example, Activity Factor (Fa) = 0.5

Step 5 - final calculation

Click the "Click here for Dehumidifier Result" button to get dehumidifier capacity in Liters/hr and Liters/day. Please buy a dehumidifier of the next higher standard rating available. As per our calculations, our required rating is 277.20 liters/day. You can select a unit of 300 liter/day which is generally available in the market. Using multiple units of small size is better than a single big capacity unit.

More Tools for Dehumidifier Selection

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, a swimming pool dehumidifier calculator does take into account the pool's dimensions, water temperature, and surrounding humidity levels.

These are some of the critical factors that directly influence the fluctuation in humidity levels that the swimming pool releases to the atmosphere.

The surface area of the swimming pool which is exposed to the environment depicts a larger rate of evaporation, higher temperatures catalyzes the evaporation which is a recurring process, and the vicinity humidity levels affect the amount of water vapor that the air can hold at an instantaneous point of time.

All these factors are vital in accurately calculating the necessary dehumidification capacity for a swimming pool.

Our swimming pool dehumidification calculators also consider the pool’s usage frequency and number of swimmers by incorporating activity factor in calculation. The reason behind this is that increased activity in the pool can lead to higher water agitation, which can, in turn, contribute to higher evaporation rates.

More swimmers also mean more bodies heating the water and increasing evaporation. Therefore, a pool dehumidifier calculator that includes this information can provide a more accurate estimation of the dehumidification needs of a specific pool.

Typically, swimming pool dehumidifier capacity calculators can be used for both indoor and outdoor pools. For indoor pools, the calculator might focus more on factors like room size, insulation, and air exchange rate, as they're in a closed environment.

For outdoor pools, considerations might involve variables like weather conditions, direct sunlight exposure, and wind speed, as these could affect the evaporation rate.

Despite these differences, the primary objective remains the same – determining the most effective dehumidification solution based on the unique parameters of the pool.

While swimming pool dehumidifier calculators are sophisticated, there may be additional considerations that are not accounted for, such as air quality or water chemistry.

Issues like indoor air pollutants, or the balance of chemicals in the pool water, can influence the overall air quality in the vicinity of the pool but aren't typically considered by a dehumidifier calculator.

These factors may require separate evaluations or solutions, such as air purifiers for indoor air quality or regular pool water testing and treatment for maintaining optimal water chemistry.